Aug 14, 2015

Petunjuk Teknis Program Indonesia Pintar Tahun 2015

Petunjuk Teknis Program Indonesia Pintar Tahun 2015
Kemdikbud sesuai dengan tugas dan kewenangannya melaksanakan Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan akses bagi anak usia 6 - 21 tahun untuk mendapatkan layanan pendidikan sampai tamat satuan pendidikan menengah dan mencegah peserta didik dari kemungkinan putus sekolah. 

PIP diharapkan dapat memberikan jaminan peserta didik dapat melanjutkan pendidikan sampai tamat pendidikan menengah dan menarik siswa putus sekolah atau tidak melanjutkan pendidikan agar kembali mendapatkan layanan pendidikan. PIP bukan hanya bagi peserta didik di sekolah, namun juga berlaku bagi peserta didik si SKB, PKBM, LKP, BLK, atau satuan pendidikan nonformal lainnya, sesuai dengan kriteria yagn ditetapkan.

Selengkapnya : Disini

Apr 29, 2015

Petunjuk Teknis PKH 2015

Ada beberapa dasar pemikiran yang melatarbelakangi Direktorat Pembinaan Kursus dan Pelatihan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan memberikan dana bantuan program pendidikan kecakapan hidup (PKH), yaitu: 
  1. Jumlah anak putus sekolah (drop out) SMK/SMU/MA ditambah lulusan SLTP, SLTA tidak melanjutkan ke pendidikan lebih tinggi tahun 2013 sebesar 2.023.222 anak (sumber: Pusat Data Statistik Pendidikan Kemendikbud, 2014); 
  2. Penduduk miskin di Indonesia pada September 2014 sebesar 27,73 juta jiwa atau sebesar 10,96% dari total penduduk Indonesia (sumber : Berita resmi statistik BPS, 2 Januari 2015); 
  3. Penganggur Terbuka di Indonesia pada Agustus 2014 sebesar 7,24 juta jiwa atau 5,94 % dari jumlah angkatan kerja sebesar 121,87 juta jiwa (sumber: Berita resmi statistik BPS, 5 November 2014);
Keadaan tersebut akan memberikan beban tersendiri bagi negara. Dengan terjadinya putus sekolah (drop out) atau lulus tidak melanjutkan dapat berdampak pada bertambahnya kemiskinan dan pengangguran selanjutnya akan dapat memicu munculnya permasalahan sosial seperti kejahatan, penyalahgunaan narkoba, pergaulan bebas, perdagangan orang (trafficking), maraknya demo yang anarkis, dan lemahnya daya saing bangsa. 

Bertitik tolak pada permasalahan tersebut, maka Direktorat Pembinaan Kursus dan Pelatihan terus mengambil peran dalam mengurangi pengangguran dan kemiskinan dengan memberikan pendidikan keterampilan agar mereka dapat bekerja di berbagai unit usaha di masyarakat atau dunia usaha dan industri.

Apr 26, 2015

Strategi Membangun Kemitraan LKP Dengan DUDI Untuk Meningkatkan Kesiapan Lulusan LKP Ke Dunia Kerja

Amanah menurut bahasa berarti dapat dipercaya. Sedangkan menurut istilah, amanah merupakan suatu perbuatan yang dimana kita harus menepati janji yang kita ucapkan baik kepada Allah Swt maupun kepada sesama manusia. Agama Islam mengajarkan kepada kita agar amanah yang di percayakan oleh orang lain dapat kita jaga dan pelihara, serta dapat mengembalikan amanah itu kepada yang berhak, sedangkan belajar adalah sebuah proses perubahan di dalam kepribadian manusia dan perubahan tersebut ditampakkan dalam bentuk peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas tingkah laku seperti peningkatan kecakapan, pengetahuan, sikap, kebiasaan, pemahaman, ketrampilan, daya pikir, dan kemampuan-kemampuan yang lain

AMANAH BELAJAR merupakan bentuk strategi membangun kemitraan LKP dengan DUDI untuk meningkatkan kesiapan lulusan LKP ke dunia kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh pengelola YPK AMANAH, artinya dengan Strategi pengalaman kerja kilat berujung sukses bisa membawa YPK AMANAH mampu menembus birokrasi sebuah perusahaan dan berakhir dengan MOU yang saling menguntungkan. Tentu tidak mudah untuk menemui pimpinan sebuah perusahaan tanpa ada koneksi terlebih dahulu. Dengan penuh keyakinan penulis tidak kenal menyerah, maka penulis berupaya keras meyakinkan pihak perusahaan dengan modal ketrampilan, kejujuran dan ketekunan bahwa lulusan dari Amanah Belajar patut diapresiasi.

Sama halnya dengan ilmu orang tua yang sabar dan arif dalam segala tindakan. Dan akhirnya penulis bisa membuat nota kerja sama dengan perusahaan untuk menyalurkan lulusan YPK Amanah sebagai tenaga kerja di perusahaan tersebut. Bahkan sebagai upaya untuk mempertahankan kerja sama, penulis mampu membuat nota kerja sama lainnya dalam pengerjaan order serta peminjaman alat/sarana perusahaan.

Mar 4, 2015

Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Lembaga Kursus serta Pelatihan

Bahwa dalam rangka melaksanakan ketentuan Pasal 48 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan perlu menetapkan standar sarana dan prasarana.

Bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, perlu menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan tentang Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan.

Untuk Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Lembaga Kursus serta Pelatihan lebih lengkapnya, dapat diakses melalui link ini.

Feb 14, 2015

A Community College Education is a Good Start

Numerous individuals scan and quest for the University they will go to upon graduation from secondary school. Energetic understudies anticipate their time at college while folks wring their hands trusting that their kids decide to go to a college that is up close and personal as well as inside their financial plan constraints. 

An alternate stress that folks have when their youngsters choose to go to school is whether that college they go to will have the specific and individualized administrations that their kids were acclimated to accepting in secondary school. Face it; bigger colleges have a tendency to be fairly generic regarding the training of their understudies. 

One response to each one of those stresses and more is to move your understudies from secondary school to a two-year school as opposed to tossing them to the college wolves so to talk. Numerous individuals find that two-year schools can actually give better instructions than four-year colleges for those initial two years or establishment school level courses. 
community college
Community college (Avigilon)

You won't get the specific or particular guideline in a two year school that is accessible to upper level understudies on a college level however most understudies find the initial two years of their school trainings concentrated on getting the necessity and essential courses instead of the particular courses in their proposed field of study. 

Numerous individuals additionally find that those initial two years at a junior college transitioning from a little lake to a bigger lake-are much less demanding to handle than going straight from secondary school to a college out of the lake and into the sea. Colleges frequently have lower level classes as amphitheater classes. 

These classes offer minimal individual direction and are regularly sink or swim sorts of classes. Those understudies who have unique adapting needs are regularly lost in the general commotion when entering a college. Junior colleges offer littler classes and abundant open doors for coaching and classes on the most proficient method to figure out how to study. 

Two-year universities are likewise much less demanding on the financial backing than generally colleges. A great many people find that junior college does not put almost the monetary troubles on families that colleges place. Add to that the way that most junior colleges offer extremely adaptable class planning and even a few courses online and you will find that there are numerous motivations to consider junior college that go well past unimportant planning prerequisites. 

An alternate advantage to understudies who wish to enter the work compel as soon as possible is that you can really get a degree or confirmation in specific projects from a two-year school. This implies that you can really graduate and start winning much sooner than if you were to go to a four-year school looking for a degree. 

On the off chance that you aren't certain you need to contribute the following four or five years of your life in quest for a degree or you essentially aren't prepared to confer yourself to one line of work for whatever is left of your life it is a smart thought to put in two years in a junior college as opposed to making the jump straight into a college setting. 

On the off chance that you are considering whether a junior college or two year training is the best approach for your particular needs, I truly prescribe making a rundown of advantages and disadvantages of every and adjusting your financial plan to see where your needs are well on the way to be completely met. 

Recall that you can simply exchange to a college once you've finished your two-year school training or whenever amid that instruction the length of you meet the colleges confirmation prerequisites. Good fortunes and recall that your school instruction is one of the biggest markers of your future acquiring potential so consider it important.

A College Degree is Nearly a Necessity

Your instruction is the single most noteworthy blessing you can provide for yourself. While there are instructive open doors surrounding us, some of them take a swing at a more prominent expense than others. A school instruction may oblige a robust venture of time and cash forthright however the pay off is much preferred over the long haul over on the off chance that you utilized your backgrounds as a part of request to accomplish the same level of training that you can pack into 2, 4, or 5 years of an undergrad training on the school level. 

As such, throughout the span of your lifetime you are prone to pay far less for your school instruction than you would pay (in acquiring potential) for not having a school training. In the meantime, each one level of school training you get expands your general acquiring potential. This implies that an one-year degree in a specialized field will give an unobtrusive help from a secondary school recognition in the matter of acquiring potential yet a partner's degree will give a shockingly better support. 
college degree
College degree (Shutterstock)

You will see a significantly more critical change in winning potential when you increment from a partner's degree to a four year certification. The greater part of understudies enter the work power upon consummation of a four year certification. Those understudies, on the other hand, who stay in school for graduate studies frequently, find that a graduate degree considerably further enhances their lifetime procuring possibilities. 

The issue for most regarding making the hop in the middle of degrees and instructive levels is expense. There are times in life when we basically need to escape from school and get to work. The uplifting news is that it is continuously getting to be simpler for those with vocations to further their training without relinquishing either their professions or their family amid the procedure. 

Obviously there will be a few relinquishes along the way yet it isn't an at the same time or nothing attempt. You can work towards your degree by taking online classes, night classes, and Saturday classes. The data age has made it simpler than any other time before to attain to the instructive objectives you have to meet with a specific end goal to fulfill your fantasies for what's to come. 

Your level of instruction will get your foot in the entryway in terms of specific employments and your absence of training will constrain you significantly more than an absence of experience will restrict you much of the time. As time becomes on, more organizations are looking for workers that have degrees as opposed to the individuals who have involvement in the field. On the off chance that you would like to stay aggressive in the business world you have to arm yourself with the correct instruction. 

Check with your organization to check whether they offer any kind of motivations for workers proceeding with their instruction. You may be amazed to find that your organization offers to match your educational cost finances or even totally repay them on the off chance that you are working towards a degree that will support you in your employment capacities. 

There is no wrong motivation to get a training. Regardless of the fact that you are petitioning a vocation that won't utilize your particular degree, you may find that having a degree at all provides for you a help over different candidates for the same position. An advanced education is getting to be more fundamental in today's business atmosphere. You have to take each open door that is accessible to you to get your advanced education.

Feb 5, 2015

Work Is Not Load

Inevitably, sometimes the job can lead to a burden in your life. Perhaps you ever feel depressed or even often with responsibilities of your job feels too heavy or exceeds the capacity and competence as a worker. As a result, you experience fatigue and boredom that eventually makes you stress and lose the passion and zeal to work. 

Basically, every job certainly has its own burdens and risks for the person who does it. Sometimes factors in theworkplace is often a major cause of this problem, ranging from tops that seem always provide "push" on you, the lack of good personal relations among fellow employees, up to the most vital issues, namely the salary which was considered not worth it or in accordance with the capacity of your work. Circumstances and conditions as this will cause discomfort when working and of course you tend to not be able to do all of your work to the maximum. 

It has become a commonplace that this condition occurs in the world of work, given the current industry today that makes almost all companies that exist for always hit the target work in a short time so that it does not directly require employees to work faster and sometimes beyond the limits of its own employees. In anticipation of this situation, there are some things you can do as a worker that you are able to overcome the burden of all your work.

work load
Work Not Load (Enjayworld)
Keep the Physical Condition; you should begin by familiarizing yourself maintaining physical condition. You must remember, that good physical condition will greatly help you in your work because by having good physical condition, means you have a good immune system.

Know your competence . Try to learn what are the strengths and weaknesses in the work, and if you can learn to better take advantage of the best of your advantage and use it to cover your flaws.

Continue to explore the capabilities . Dig deeper all your skills and try to better develop, especially in the field of work that you are fully present.

Open to new things . You have to open yourself to new ideas that can provide references and ideas for your refreshment.

Mingled with the work environment . Establish rapport personal communication better with your boss and co-workers. Sometimes to establish intimacy, mutual understanding and inter-personal understanding in the workplace will be made ​​warmer work environment so that you feel comfortable to work.

Trying their best . Do not get discourage work load and your interest to work so that you tend to be easy to give up and do not work optimally.

Task Help From Wizards Of Computer Programming

Writing computer programs was created by Microsoft as an article arranged and practical dialect. Much the same as C++ this is additionally an expert dialect utilized essentially as a part of huge organizations. C# utilizes more than one ideal model style and in this way the name multi standard is appointed to it. This planning taught at schools and universities is focused around basic and universally useful dialect. The assignments given are infrequently as simple as they appear to be. 

The assignments that must be submitted must have an expert methodology. These tasks must incorporate NET system and SMC oversaw C. The tasks made must cover the Boolean variable based math, that too in a propelled way. Making such a propelled undertaking is incomprehensible for new engineers. That is when C# task help is required. The specialists audit each one point inside and out. They make a point to incorporate invalid shadowing, variable qualities, Boolean polynomial math, memory releases and numerous different angles that are important. 

Capabilities of Experts Who Help in Programming 

The experts who aid understudies in such activities must be high degree holders. They ought to at any rate be graduates or post graduates in this field. The experience matters much more. The aides must be decently experienced experts with high level of exactness. The principle thing is that they must have the capacity to help all understudies alike. These experts must have a summon at all levels of assignments whether school or school. C# programming help can be achieved by them just who are knowledgeable with all parts of C# programming. The specialists must be redesigned with all late data. They ought to utilize just present data for such assignments. We likewise help with different dialects of software engineering like Java, Python & parcels more. 

The work put together by these qualified experts must be of astounding and straightforward dialect. It ought to be understudy benevolent so understudies are effortlessly ready to comprehend and gain from assignments. The expense of these specialists should not be high. C# task help is mostly required by understudies and understudies can't pay enormous sums. Thusly the expense must be shoddy and inside the pocket of the understudies. The most critical thing is auspicious accommodation. The work must be carried out in time so that the understudies can likewise have a concise survey of the work that must be submitted. 

computer programming

Who Need C# Assignment Help The Most? 

All understudies at schools or universities don't oblige C# programming help. Those understudies who have a frail summon over the subject ought to put it all on the line. Other than these the understudies included in various exercises can likewise pull out all the stops. These entryways are accessible online and everybody is allowed to utilize it. It turns into the ethical obligation of understudies to keep the abuse of such offices. Don't start to take help in assignments for celebrating hard. Verify that such an assistance is taken just in compelling condition when earnestness happens. Complete and pointless reliance will hamper understudy's proficient abilities. 

Rundown: C# task help is accessible on the web. Experts working in this appreciation are profoundly qualified experts. Understudies must utilization it admirably and prudently.

Feb 3, 2015

10 Inquiries You Ought to Ask to Yourself

"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 inquiries you ought to ask to yourself: a planning to change toward oneself 

Be whatever you can be, however its not generally in the Army. I frequently see myself as sort of delighted with my life the way things are, obviously its difficult to consider whatever else might be available when where are main problems to be examined. 

Still I yearn for something deeper and more important. 


So we're all pelted with issues. Sincerely it shouldn't much trouble or considerably block us to turning into all we should be. Desires as children ought to keep on living inside us, despite the fact that it would be fleeting or the length of we could clutch the fantasy. They say you can't educate an old pooch new traps…  or seriously? 

1. What do I truly need? 

The topic of the ages. Such a large number of things you need to do with your life along these lines little time to try and go about amid the day. 

Discover something that you are great at can help understand that little step towards change. Determination is the way to realize that it is justified, despite all the trouble. 

2. Should I truly change? 

Today's era has taken an alternate level of rethinking 'self', or possibly that is the thing that the children are stating. Having a multitude of high school nieces and nephews has taught me that there are far more regrettable things that they could have had than pimple inflamation or perhaps indiscrimination. So how can that possibly fit into your way of life? 

On the off chance that history has taught us one thing, its the life that we have experienced. Attempt to check whether celebrating Seventies style wouldn't speak to the more youthful era, yet moving is a piece of celebrating. Watch them cheer in the wake of demonstrating to them proper methodologies to truly move than break their bones in break-moving. 

3. What's the splendid side in the majority of this? 

With so much is going on around us there appear to be no space for actually considering that promising finish to the present course of action. We can even now see it as something positive without experiencing so much examination. Also in the event that its a train toward the end of the shaft, take it for a ride and see what drives the world as we know it! 

4. Am I agreeable with what I'm doing? 

There's dependably the easy way and the right way in the matter of choosing what runs with which shoes, or tote, shirt and so forth. It doesn't take a virtuoso to see yourself as somebody exceptional, or else we'll all be just as the same in all that we do. Assortment accumulates extremely fascinating and energizing inquiries to be tested. 

5. Have I done what's needed for myself? 

Have you, or is there something more you need to do? Dissatisfaction in every perspective can be hazardous in expansive dosages, yet in little sums you'll have the capacity to see and do stuff you could never envision doing. 

6. Am I cheerful at where I am today? 

It's an out of line question so given it a chance to be an answer! You cherish being a decent and adoring mother or father to your children, then take it up a score! Your children will love you for eternity. The same runs with regular life! 

7. Am I engaging the inverse sex? 

So perhaps I don't have a response to that, however that doesn't mean I can't attempt it, however. Whether you get down to business, change the way you wear your garments or hair, or even your state of mind towards individuals, you ought to never forget it will dependably be for your own profit. 

8. What amount might I be able to have? 

I assume for this situation there is no such things on having things an excess of or excessively little, however its all the more on how seriously you truly require it. I'd like to have loads of cash, no denying that, yet the inquiry is that what amount of would you say you are ready to work for it? 

9. What propels me? 

What propels you? It's an answer you need to discover for yourself. There are such a large number of things that can make everybody glad, except to pick one of the may be the hardest part. It's not like you can't have one serving of your most loved sustenance in a smorgasbord and that is it. Simply attempt it piece by piece. 

10. What Really Makes You Tick? 

So? What truly makes you tick? You can be pretty much anything you generally needed to be, however to understand that achieving something that may appear to be exceptionally troublesome is now surrendering before you even begin that excursion. Never forget, that change toward oneself is not pretty much the physical or philosophical change you need to experience, however its something that you truly nee


Consistently a huge number of men and ladies crosswise over America sign on with direct offering firm-Tupperware, Amway, or a corrective organization wanting to profit enough for new draperies, another davenport, or some new garments. They offer a little stock to a couple of relatives and close companions. At that point they are through. They stopped before they provide for themselves an opportunity to take in the essentials of achievement in deals. "I am just not a conceived businessperson," they frequently say. 

Nobody is conceived a sales representative, any more than one is conceived a specialist on the other hand conceived a legal counselor. Deals is a calling. To be effective in any calling one must learn the fundamental strategies, as well as moreover instructions to apply those strategies. Accomplishment in deals makes utilization of all the capacities one is conceived with, in addition to each one of those procured through training and experience. 

direct sales training
Direct sales training (Billcoton)

On the off chance that you are searching for a vocation opportunity or "additional wage" to help with the family plan, direct offering offers you dream-satisfying conceivable outcomes. On the other hand, you must provide for yourself time to take in the strategies of offers. Ask yourself. "To what extent does a specialist to be study? A legal counselor to be study?" 


Direct offering is showcasing an item straightforwardly to the purchaser with no agent included. Most dependable firms are parts of the National Association of Direct Selling Organizations. They bring to general society fine items that are humbly valued to safeguard mass utilization. 

Most immediate offering organizations outfit their delegates with a starter pack and key supplies underneath expense costs. In numerous cases the speculation is under $100. There is an old maxim which says "Give a man a fish and you nourish him for a day. Show a man to fish and you nourish him for a lifetime." 

Huge numbers of them had the capacity improve their lives. They took their families on decent travels. They acquired a piano or an organ and gave music lessons to their youngsters. They spared cash for school training. They rearranged their homes, purchased required furniture. One exceptionally effective saleslady assembled a new home. 

The prizes of direct offering are numerous 

1. You can be your own particular manager. 
2. You can set your own particular hours. 
3. You can claim your own particular organizations with practically zero speculation. 
4. You can pay yourself more than any manager would ever pay you. 
5. You can provide for yourself standard raises as your business develops. 

It is not out of the question to let you know that there are disappointments, as well. There are individuals who won't work for themselves. At the point when working for a manager, they climb early, are decently prepped, and get to the workplace on time. On the other hand, when they are their own particular manager, they are still in a shower robe, drinking one more measure of espresso at 11:00 A.m. 

In the event that you can be your own particular supervisor and teach yourself to do what must be carried out when it must be carried out, direct offering offers a most irregular winning open door. 


Here are ten steps that will guarantee your prosperity: 


What would you like to perform? Do you need to put something aside for school instruction for your kids? Another auto? A new home? You can have whatever you need, yet you must need it enough to do the things that must be carried out to get it. Whatever your objective, compose it down and set a deadline for arriving at it. Separate the time period into squares of accomplishment that are reachable. Work reliably to fulfilling every day, each week, every month what you set out to do. Objective setting is an absolute necessity in all aspects of life. Little is ever fulfilled without positive objectives. 


Each one nighttime list all the things you need to accomplish the accompanying day. That provides for you a composed methodology to every day. As each one errand is done, mark it off your rundown. It is astounding the amount of accomplishes when one works with a "things" schedule. Additionally, have a record book posting arrangements, potential customers, rehash customers, and referrals, and keep it with you at all times. You will be adding to it continually. 


Eagerness is the high-octane "fuel" that business people run on. Eagerness produces its own particular vitality. Vitality what's more great wellbeing are synonymous with occupied, cheerful individuals, individuals who are attaining to. 


In immediate deals we don't need to sit tight for business to come to us. We make our own business by requesting it. Request arrangements, then you can work together. Request business, then you will bring deals to a close. Ask for referrals, then you generally have a full rundown of potential customers. Be quietly, yet solidly forceful. 

5. EXPECT No's

Understand that no's are not individual. In deals, as maybe no place else, the theory of probability works. Each no gets you closer to a yes. Stay informed concerning your proportion. It will offer assistance enhance your procedures. Is it true that you are getting ten no's to one yes? Is your degree five to one? Keep in mind, the yes' are your wage. Too keep in mind that "no" does not so much signify "no." Often a "no" is just a stall for of a chance time to think. It might be a solicitation for more data about your item or your administration. What your customer is really purchasing is confirmation. Guarantee here by your supportive demeanor and your complete genuineness, that you need what is best for her. She will in all probability regard you and work together with you. 

6. Timetable TIME WISELY

A timetable is the guide by which salesmen travel. It takes the disappointment out of the day. It guarantees that the fundamental things accomplish and accomplish on time. Arrangement your work then work your arrangement. 


Achievement in deals, as altogether regions of life is 90 percent state of mind and 10 percent inclination. All of us must work at creating propensities for helpful considering. I am glad to be a salesman. Deals make the wheels of our economy turn. Bernard Baruch, counselor to a few presidents, is cited as saying, "If each salesman sat down and took no requests for twenty-four hours, it would bankrupt our nation!" Each organization that makes any sort of item relies on salesmen to move that item. Without sales representatives business would be incapacitated. Keep in mind, deals is one of the most elevated paid of all callings. Measurements demonstrate that great sales representatives appreciate wages far over the normal. 


Most immediate salesmen work from their own homes, yet it is vital to have a spot where you can work in a sorted out and productive way. An office in addition to a strict working calendar provides for you nobility. Both are completely crucial for productive operation and exact record keeping, so imperative to the accomplishment of any business. 


Most deals association offer challenges to invigorate creation. Incorporate winning challenges as a component of your business objectives. Challenges make your business fun and also including impressive dollar quality to your pay. 


A customary nine-to-five occupation typically implies a paycheck toward the end of the second week. Direct deals "reps" handle cash continually. Direct deals is moment wage and consistent salary. Consequently. it is completely important to turn into a productive cash supervisor. Store each penny gathered from customers into a financial records set up particularly for its business. Since bank explanations demonstrate a definite record of all monies gathered, and costs of doing business can be checked by drop checks, record keeping gets to be basic and precise. 

Everything aside from a couple of "frivolous money" exchanges can be specifically taken from bank explanations. Cash spared frequently and put at premium, soon adds to a second pay notwithstanding earned wage. A long haul objective, which is reasonable in immediate deals, is to have the capacity to live in retirement off the premium earned on reserve funds. 

Would money related security mean a ton to you? Assuming this is the case, ask yourself these inquiries: 

* Am I legit? 
* Do I truly like individuals? 
* Am I eager to learn? 
* Am I eager to work? 
* Am I equipped for being my own particular supervisor? 

On the off chance that your answers are yes, to discover a decent item for the direct deals showcase, one that you like, one that fills the need of quite a few people, and go to work for yourself! .You can transform dreams into reality.

5 Tips For Identity Theft Protection

This is that time of year when we all begin getting those messages that need to purloin our mystery codes and passwords. You know the ones that have titles like: "Your Account Is About To Be Closed," "There's A Block On Your Account," "Would You be able to Help Me Claim My Funds," or my record-breaking top pick "Congrats – You've Won The UK Lottery." 

This is the time of year when we are all looking for endowments for family or clients, and the exact opposite thing we need is for our bank or charge cards record to be upset. That is precisely what these "digital grifters" are relying on, and sadly a few of us are enticed to take after the directions sent to explore. 

Theft Protection

Most importantly, Don't FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EMAIL! In the event that you think there may be an issue, get to the record being referred to as you regularly do on your PC and not with the connection supplied in the fake email. 

I've had some extremely true looking email apparently from banks, that even went so far as to duplicate the colors of the bank logo and stationery style. At the same time, don't succumb to the trick. Indeed, don't even open the email, in light of the fact that numerous are simply situated to detached an infection program on your machine by being opened. Essentially forward the suspicious email to the "farce email" location supplied by your bank, or charge card organization. 

About 10 million Americans fell prey to data fraud a year ago, costing organizations and people billions of dollars. Here are some different tips to help you: 
  1. Understand check card dangers:  Greater obligation than Visas. Regarding misrepresentation, check cards convey much more noteworthy individual obligation than Visas, contingent upon how rapidly you report the loss of the card. On the off chance that you neglect to report unapproved use inside 60 days of accepting your bank proclamations, you could lose all the cash in the record and be considered in charge of the measure of cash that has been tapped from your line of credit. 
  2. Rethink check composing:  That little sheet of paper has an abundant excess data. A few masters prompt against check composing on the grounds that it doles out your location, financial balance number, mark and permit number to finish outsiders. On top of that, there's no government enactment to utmost your risk for fashioned checks (each one state has its own particular set of principles). Specialists prompt that you research computerizing your bill paying. 
  3. Secure your mail:  Your letter drop is a goldmine of data. Between bank articulation, bills, and each one of those preapproved charge card offers, your letter drop is stacked with individual information which personality hoodlums can use to effectively request a Mastercard in your name. Unless you tirelessly check your credit report, you might never even think about it. One approach to keep away from this is to have your letter drop under lock and key, however the vast majority of us in Santa Clarita have our post boxes at the control before our home and the postman glares on convey handfuls and many keys around. The other arrangement is to have a leased letter box, or to thwart "dumpster-jumping" criminals by purchasing a shredder and obliterate archives before tossing. 
  4. Go virtual:  For shopping on the web, there are "virtual" card numbers. These are arbitrarily produced Mastercard numbers that are disposable and that on-line customers utilize once and discard. It's connected straightforwardly to your genuine Visa account so buys appear on your month to month bill. The administration is not difficult to utilize – and its FREE! You should do nothing more than enroll with organizations offering the virtual card, and they are MBNA, Discover, and Citigroup. 
  5. Create a crisis personality pack:  Would you know how to contact your charge card organization in a crisis? Make a first aid kit that contains: your record number, close date, issuing organization name, and crisis contact number for each one card you possess. While you're busy, make duplicates of your driver's permit, government disability card, conception declaration and visa and store them in a bolted box or document bureau, or a safe store box. I like the safe store box best, on the grounds that this provides for you insurance in the occasion of a disaster, for example, fire, seismic tremor, and so forth. 

This may all appear like a ton of unnecessary work, however in the event that you're ever the casualty of fraud – even simply once – you'll understand that its certainly justified regardless of the exertion. 

A number of us overlook that were it not for what we convey in our wallets or in our handbags, we're all John and Jane Doe's whether we can't talk because of damage or are unaccompanied by somebody who knows us. What amount less upsetting is it to realize that in a bank box, regardless of where you are, there are things that can check your personality. Better to be sheltered, than.

Jan 29, 2015

Perangkat Pembelajaran Lembaga Kursus

Di era globalisasi ini telah membuka kesadaran masyarakat tentang perkembangan dunia pendidikan. Dengan adanya hal tersebut munculah sejumlah harapan dan kecemasan dalam kemajuan pendidikan. Namun hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mengupayakan perbaikan dan peningkatan mutu pendidikan yang secara kontinu dilakukan, termasuk Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) yang mengembangkan kurikulum kompetensi melalui Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI)

Beragam program inovatif ikut serta memeriahkan reformasi pendidikan. Reformasi pendidikan adalah restrukturisasi pendidikan yakni memperbaiki kinerja Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan dengan Standarisasi lembaga dan penilaian kinerja LKP.
Dalam makalah ini akan membahas mengenai Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK), pengembangan perencanaan pembelajaran, yang mencakup pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, termaktub dalam proses menerjemahan kurikulum yang berlaku menjadi program-program pembelajaran yakni; Kalender pendidikan, silabus, dan RPP (Rencana Persiapan Pembelajaran)


A. Apa Itu Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi
B. Apa Pengertian Perangkat Pembelajaran?
C. Apa Saja Jenis-Jenis Perangkat Pembelajaran?
D. Bagaimana Contoh dari Perangkat Pembelajaran?


A. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi
Pendidikan berbasis kompetensi menekankan pada kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh lulusan suatu jenjang pendidikan. Kompetensi yang sering disebut dengan standar kompetensi adalah kemampuan yang secara umum harus dikuasai lulusan. Kompetensi menurut Hall dan Jones (1976: 29) adalah "pernyataan yang menggambarkan penampilan suatu kemampuan tertentu secara bulat yang merupakan perpaduan antara pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang dapat diamati dan diukur". Kompetensi adalah Seperangkat tindakan cerdas, penuh tanggung jawab yang dimiliki seseorang sebagai syarat untuk dianggap mampu oleh masyarakat dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas dibidang pekerjaan tertentu ( SK. Mendiknas No.045/U/2002 ).

Kompetensi (kemampuan) lulusan merupakan modal utama untuk bersaing di tingkat global, karena persaingan yang terjadi adalah pada kemampuan sumber daya manusia. Oleh karena. itu, penerapan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi diharapkan akan menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu berkompetisi di tingkat global. Implikasi pendidikan berbasis kompetensi adalah pengembangan silabus dan sistem penilaian berbasiskan kompetensi.

B. Pengertian Perangkat Pembelajaran
Perangkat adalah sejumlah bahan, alat, media, petunjuk dan pedoman yang akan digunakan dalam proses pencapaian kegiatan yang diinginkan. Pembelajaran adalah sebagai proses belajar yang dibangun oleh tenaga pendidik untuk mengembangkan kreativitas berpikir yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir peserta didik, serta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengkonstruksi pengetahuan baru sebagai upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan.

Perangkat pembelajaran adalah serangkaian media/ sarana yang digunakan dan dipersiapkan oleh pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran, berikut dalam tulisan ini kami membatasi perangkat pembelajaran hanya pada: penyusunan kalender pendidikan, Silabus dan Rencana pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP).

C. Jenis-Jenis Perangkat Pembelajaran

Jenis-jenis perangkat pembelajaran yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran diantaranya:

1. Program Tahunan

Program tahunan adalah rencana penetapan alokasi waktu satu tahun ajaran untuk mencapai tujuan (standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar) yang telah ditetapkan.
Penetapan alokasi waktu diperlukan agar seluruh kompetensi dasar yang ada dalam kurikulum seluruhnya dapat dicapai oleh peserta didik. Karena dikhawatirkan alokasi waktu yang telah ditentukan tidak sesuai dengan materi pelajaran yang harus disampaikan. Sehingga akan berakibat mengorbankan kualitas pembelajaran tenaga pendidik. Melalui penetapan alokasi waktu tenaga pendidik. dapat mengestimasi antara jumlah kompetensi dasar atau jumlah materi yang harus dikuasai dengan waktu yang tersedia.

Dalam program tahunan inilah disusun program perencanaan penetapan alokasi waktu untuk setiap kompetensi dasar yang harus dicapai. Penyusunan program tahunan pada dasarnya adalah menetapkan jumlah waktu yang tersedia untuk setiap kompetensi dasar.
Langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengembangkan program tahunan adalah:
  1. Lihat berapa jam alokasi waktu setiap mata pelajaran dalam seminggu dalam struktur kurikulum seperti yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah.
  2. Analisis berapa minggu efektif dalam setiap semester, seperti yang telah kita tetapkan dalam gambaran alokasi efektif. Melalui analisis tersebut kita dapat menentukan berapa minggu waktu yang tersedia untuk pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran.

Penentuan alokasi waktu didasarkan kepada jumlah jam pelajaran sesuai dengan struktur kurikulum yang berlaku serta keluasan materi yang harus dikuasai oleh peserta didik

2. Silabus

Silabus adalah rencana pembelajaran pada suatu dan/atau kelompok mata pelajaran/tema tertentu yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, materi pokok atau pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber/bahan/alat belajar. Silabus merupakan penjabaran standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar kedalam materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi untuk penilaian.

Silabus digunakan untuk menyebut suatu produk pengembangan kurikulum berupa penjabaran lebih lanjut dari standar kompetensi dan kemampuan dasar yang ingin dicapai, dan pokok-pokok serta uraian yang ingin dicapai dan dipelajari peserta didik dalam mencapai standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar.

Silabus merupakan seperangkat rencana serta pengaturan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan penilaian yang disusun secara sistematis memuat komponen-komponen yang saling berkaitan untuk mencapai penguasaan kompetensi dasar.

Pada umumnya suatu silabus paling sedikit harus mencakup unsur-unsur:
  • Tujuan mata pelajaran yang akan diajarkan,
  • Sasaran-sasaran mata pelajaran,
  • Keterampilan yang diperlukan agar dapat menguasai mata pelajaran tersebut dengan baik,
  • Urutan topik-topik yang diajarkan,
  • Aktifitas dan sumber-sumber belajar pendukung keberhasilan pengajaran,
  • Berbagai teknik evaluasi yang digunakan.

Beberapa prinsip yang mendasari pengembangan silabus antara lain:

a. Ilmiah

Mengingat silabus berisikan garis-garis besar materi pembelajaran yang akan dipelajari siswa, maka materi pembelajaran yang disajikan dalam silabus harus memenuhi kebenaran ilmiah. Untuk mencapai kebenaran ilmiah tersebut, dalam menyusun silabus dilibatkan para pakar dibidang keilmuan masing-masing mata pelajaran.

b. Memperhatikan perkembangan dan kebutuhan peserta didik

Cakupan, kedalaman, tingkat kesukaran, dan urutan penyajian materi dalam silabus disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan fisik dan psikologi peserta didik.

c. Sistematis

Sebagai sebuah sistem, silabus merupakan satu kesatuan yang mempunyai tujuan terdiri dari komponen-komponen yang satu sama lain saling berhubungan. Komponen pokok silabus terdiri dari standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan materi pembelajaran.

d. Relevansi, konsisten, dan kecukupan

Dalam penyusunan silabus diharapkan adanya kesesuaian, keterkaitan, konsistensi, dan kecukupan anatara standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, materi pokok pembelajaran, pengalaman belajar peserta didik, sistem penilaian dan sumber bahan.

Komponen yang harus disusun dalam sebuah silabus yaitu:

a. Menentukan identitas silabus

Identitas silabus terdiri dari nama sekolah, mata pelajaran, kelas dan semester. Penetuan identitas tersebut berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi kepada guru tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan silabus, misalnya tentang karakteristik peserta didik, kemampuan awal dan kemampuan prasyarat yang harus dimiliki peserta didik dan lain sebagainya.

b. Rumusan standar kompetensi

Standar kompetensi mata pelajaran adalah deskripsi pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan sikap yang harus dikuasai setelah peserta didik mempelajari mata pelajaran tertentu pada jenjang program tertentu pula.

c. Menentukan kompetensi dasar

Kompetensi dasar adalah pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap minimal yang harus dicapai oleh siswa untuk menunjukkan bahwa siswa telah menguasai standar kompetensi yang telah ditetapkan, oleh karena itulah maka kompetensi dasar merupakan penjabaran dari standar kompetensi.

d. Merumuskan kegiatan pembelajaran

Kegiatan pembelajaran adalah segala aktivitas belajar siswa baik kegiatan fisik, kegiatan non fisik termasuk kegiatan mental yang dilakukan baik di dalam maupun diluar kelas untuk mencapai standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar tertentu. Pembelajaran di dalam kelas misalnya kegiatan mengikuti diskusi, menyimak penjelasan instruktur, melakukan demonstrasi, melakukan eksperimen di laboratiorium dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan kegiatan belajar di luar kelas misalkan melakukan observasi ke suatu objek, mengamati kegiatan tertentu, melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber dan lain sebagainya.

e. Mengidentifikasi materi pokok atau meteri pembelajaran

Materi pokok disusun untuk pencapaian tujuan, oleh karenanya materi pokok dipilih sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar yang harus dicapai. Beberapa pertimbangan yang harus diperhatikan dalam menentukan materi pokok adalah:
  1. Potensi peserta didik,
  2. Relevan dengan karakteristik daerah,
  3. Tingkat perkembangan fisik, intelektual, emosional, sosial, dan spiritual peserta didik,
  4. Kebermanfaatan bagi peserta didik,
  5. Struktur keilmuan,
  6. Aktualitas, kedalaman, dan keluasan materi pembelajaran,
  7. Relevan dengan kebutuhan peserta didik dan tuntutan lingkungan, dan
  8. Sesuai dengan alokasi waktu yang tersedia.

f. Merumuskan indikator pencapaian kompetensi

Indikator pencapaian disusun untuk menetukan keberhasilan pencapaian kompetensi dasar. Dengan demikian, indikator dirumuskan sebagai dasar untuk menyusun alat penilaian.

g. Menentukan penilaian

Penilaian adalah suatu proses atas serangkaian kegiatan yakni kegiatan memperoleh, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data tentang proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan, sehingga menjadi informasi yang bermakna dalam pengambilan keputusan.

h. Menentukan alokasi waktu

Penentuan alokasi waktu pada setiap kompetensi dasar, didasarkan kepada jumlah minggu efektif dan alokasi waktu mata pelajaran per minggu dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah kompetensi dasar, keluasan, kedalaman, tingkat kesulitan dan tingkat kepentingan kompetensi dasar.

i. Menetukan sumber belajar

Sumber belajar adalah rujukan bahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran yang berupa media cetak dan elektronik, narasumber serta lingkungan fisik, alam, sosial dan budaya

Contoh Format Silabus


LEVEL 1                      : ASISTEN PEMBUAT PAKAIAN
STANDAR KOMPETENSI : Menjahit Dengan Alat Jahit Tangan 
ALOKASI WAKTU          :

1. Menyiapkan tempat kerja dan alat untuk menjahit dengan alat jahit tangan · Menyiapkan penerangan tempat kerja
· Menyiapkan tempat duduk untuk menjahit
· Menyiapkan jarum untuk menjahit
  • Menyiapkan tempat dan alat jahit tangan
§ Instruktur menyampaikan materi tentang tata cara mempersiapkan tempat bekerja
§ Instruktur menyampaikan materi tentang alat jahit tangan
§ Instruktur menerangkan cara menyiapkan alat jahit tangan
§ Peserta didik memperhatikan cara mengatur ruang tempat kerja
§ Peserta didik memraktikkan cara mempersiapkan tempat kerja
§ Peserta didik mempraktikkan cara menyiapkan alat jahit tangan
  • Unjuk kerja
                                                                       Makassar, 28 April 2014

Ketua LKP Angin Ribut

Ttd dan Stempel
(Ibrahim, S. Pd., M. Pd)

(Dra. Rusbaniyah)

3. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran(RPP) adalah program perencanaaan yang disusun sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan pembelajaran untuk setiap kegiatan proses pembelajaran. RPP dikembangkan berdasarkan silabus. Ada instruktur yang beranggapan, mengajar bagi seorang instruktur adalah tugas rutin atau pekerjaan keseharian, dengan demikian instruktur yang berpengalaman tidak perlu membuat perencanaaan, sebab ia telah tahu apa yang harus dikerjakannya di dalam pembelajaran. Pendapat itu mungkin ada benarnya seandainya ,mengajar hanya dianggap sebagai proses menyampaikan materi pelajaran. Tetapi, seperti yang telah kita pelajari mengajar tidak sesempit itu. Mengajar adalah proses mengatur lingkungan supaya peserta didik belajar yang kemudian diistilahkan dengan pembelajaran.

Dengan demikian, maka setiap proses pembelajaran selamanya akan berbeda tergantung pada tujuan, materi pelajaran serta karakteristik siswa sebagai subjek belajar. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu merencanakan pembelajaran dengan matang, sebagai bagian dari tugas professional.

Pembelajaran merupakan suatu sistem yang terdiri atas komponen-komponen yang satu sama lain saling berkaitan, dengan demikian maka merencanakan pelaksanaaan pembelajaran adalah merencanakan setiap komponen yang saling berkaitan. Dalam Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran minimal ada lima komponen pokok, yaitu komponen tujuan pembelajaran, materi pelajaran, metode, media dan sumber pembelajaran serta komponen evaluasi. Hal ini seperti yang digariskan oleh Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 Bab IV Pasal 20 yang menyatakan bahwa perencanaan proses pembelajaran meliputi silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang memuat sekurang-kurangnya beberapa hal, diantaranya:

a. Tujuan pembelajaran

Dalam Standar Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Tujuan pembelajaran dirumuskan dalam bentuk kompetensi yang harus dicapai atau dikuasai oleh peserta didik. Melalui rumusan tujuan, tenaga pendidik dapat memproyeksikan apa yang harus dicapai oleh peserta didik setelah berakhir suatu proses pembelajaran.

b. Materi/isi

Materi/isi pelajaran yang berkenaan dengan bahan pelajaran yang harus dikuasai siswa sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Materi pelajaran harus digali dari berbagai sumber belajar sesuai dengan kompetensi yang harus dicapai.

c. Strategi dan Metode Pembelajaran

Strategi adalah rancangan serangkaian kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu, sedangkan metode adalah cara yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan strategi. Dengan demikian strategi dan metode itu tidak bisa dipisahkan. Strategi dan metode pembelajaran harus dirancang sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai.

d. Media dan Sumber Belajar

Media dalam proses pembelajaran dapat diartikan sebagai alat bantu untuk mempermudah pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Sedangkan sumber belajar adalah segala sesuatu yang mengandung pesan yang harus dipelajari sesuai dengan materi pelajaran.

e. Evaluasi

Evaluasi dalam diarahkan bukan hanya sekedar untuk mengukur keberhasilan setiap peserta didik dalm pencapaian hasil belajar, tetapi juga untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan setiap peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu, dalam perencanaan pelaksanaan pembelajaran setiap tenaga pendidik tidak hanya menetukan tes sebagai alat evaluasi akan tetapi juga menggunakan nontes dalam bentuk tugas, wawancara, dan lain sebagainya.


Nama Lembaga       : LKP ANGIN RIBUT
Jenis Vokasi            : TATA BUSANA
Level Kompetensi    : Asisten 1
Standar Kompetensi : Menjahit dengan alat jahit tangan
Kompetensi Dasar    : Menyiapkan tempat kerja dan alat untuk menjahit dengan alat jahit tangan
Alokasi Waktu          : 1 Jam x 60 menit

· Menyiapkan penerangan tempat kerja
· Menyiapkan tempat duduk untuk menjahit
· Menyiapkan jarum untuk menjahit

Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini siswa diharapkan mampu:
· Mampu menyiapkan penerangan tempat kerja
· Mampu menyiapkan tempat duduk untuk menjahit
· Mampu menyiapkan jarum untuk menjahit

Menyiapkan tempat dan alat jahit tangan

1. Informasi
2. Tanya Jawab
3. Simulasi

  1. Kegiatan awal
· Salam pembuka
· Memberikan pertanyaan seputar materi kesiapan bekerja dan menyiapkan alat jahit tangan
  1. Kegiatan Inti
· Instruktur menerangkan tentang cara mmenyiapkan ruangan tempat bekerja menjahit dengan jahitan tangan
· Peserta didik memperhatikan instruktur menerangkan tentang penyiapan tempat kerja menjahit dengan jahitan tangan
· Instruktur menerangkan penyiapan alat jahit tangan
· Peserta mempraktikkan penyiapan tempat kerja menjahit dengan jahitan tangan
· Peserta didik mempraktikkan cara menyiapkan peralatan jahit tangan
  1. Kegiatan penutup
· Instruktur menyampaikan hal-hal yang masih perlu diperhatikan dalam menyiapkan tempat dan peralatan jahit tangan
· Instruktur mengucapkan salam penutup

  • Modul
  • Komputer
Teknik Penilaian Bentuk Instrumen Instrumen
Tes tertulis Daftar pertanyaan 1. Tuliskan bagaimana cara untuk menyiapkan tempat kerja menjahit dengan peralatan tangan
2. Bagaimana bentuk penerangan
3. Tuliskan cara menyiapkan peralatan menjahit dengan tangan
Tes praktik Unjuk kerja
                                                                       Makassar, 28 April 2014
Ketua LKP Angin Ribut

Ttd dan Stempel
(Ibrahim, S. Pd., M. Pd)

(Dra. Rusbaniyah)

perangkat pembelajaran